An Interview with Mitzi Johnson

Interview with Mitzi Johnson

By: Hannah Johnson, PIO

Mitzi has always viewed life as an adventure. After speaking with her, it’s clear she is a woman who lives her values, as her life has been nothing if not adventurous.

Mitzi was born and raised in Hawthorn, New Jersey. Mitzi noted that her father was originally from Oklahoma and that her mother was an artist “well ahead of her time”. Mitzi states that she took after her mother’s artistic side, and after graduating from Bucknell University in Pennsylvania, she attended art school in new Jersey.

After the completion of art school, Mitzi set off on one of her first (but certainly not last) adventures by moving to Miami, Florida to become the fashion director for a prominent shopping center. Mitzi noted that during her time working in Miami, she collaborated with brands such as Cartier and Neiman Marcus on advertising and graphic design projects.

While working in the fashion industry kept Mitzi plenty busy, her dedication to adventure led her to pursue many hobbies. One of her most consequential hobbies was skiing. As the chairman of the Miami Ski Club, Mitzi led a trip to Veil, Colorado. It was on her ski trip to Veil that she met the love of her life and future husband, Bear. Mitzi noted that Bear “was of the Teddy [bear] variety” and one of the kindest people she had ever met.

It did not take long for Mitzi to fall head over heels for Bear, and from her love came the decision to move from Miami to Veil. Mitsy recounted how her love for Bear grew out of their mutual passion for adventure, travel, and spontaneity. While living in Veil, Mitzi and Bear spent a significant amount of time traveling across the U.S. and Europe via boat charter.

It was on a boat charter that Mitzi and Bear first came to the San Juan Islands. Mitzi recounted that upon taking her first step onto shore, she turned to Bear and said, “I already know what you’re going to say: we’re moving here”. Within a short period of time, Mitzi and Bear found themselves moving from Veil to San Juan Island, where they worked as caretakers for a large property. Mitzi was also able to secure a job with the San Juan Journal, where she worked as a freelance graphic designer.

Mitzi and Bear never moved away from San Juan Island, but that does not mean that Mitzi’s passion for adventure dissipated. For Mitzi, every day is an adventure. After Bear passed away, Mitzi chose to move to Village at the Harbor with her cat, Pouncer. She noted that living at Village at the Harbor “is like summer camp! There is always something to do.”

Thank you, Mitzi, for sharing your life story!